Mentorship Club

  • Finding Purpose
  • Chasing your Passion
  • Topics on Achieving Goals
  • Getting back on track
  • Storytelling
  • Motivation and Inspiration
  • Personal Coaching

Academy for Soft Skills Development

  • Presentation Skills
  • Slide Preparation
  • Public Speaking
  • Content Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Basic Graphic Design


It is important to focus on the kind of attitude that you choose to display.

Few tips to feed your mind with today:

  1. Think before you act.
  2. Experience is the best teacher, but it most certainly must not be your own experiences alone, learn from others.
  3. Separate yourself from the group of people who are not involved in positive things and still have a social life. Social life must not be negative.
  4. Be humble. Being humble allows you to be open to learning, but note that timidity is not humility.
  5. Understand the difference between patience and wasting your time.
  6. Always remember that words cannot be erased, as you grow, learn to speak responsibly. Watch your words, you don’t just speak arrogantly. Respect yourself!
  7. Be intentional about self development and cognitive growth. Try to learn and possess value. Don’t entertain being a nuisance or a mediocre for so long.
  8. Self education is powerful. Speak to yourself, and start something worthwhile. The internet is filled with a lot of resources to help you excel through self education. Constantly seek improvement.
  9. Challenge yourself positively, be innovative, creative, and responsible.
  10. Establish set of values for yourself, have a plan and be intentional about the things you do. Grow up! Think of now, think of the future, think of posterity. Many people are using time to achieve tremendous goals, don’t sit and call it luck. Stop wasting your time!


Motivation, the compelling desire to take actions. A reminder of our passion and why we need to take that bold step or continue in the journey we have started. Motivation to “move“. Our motivation is controlled by our believe, what we do not believe to be right or true, we cannot be motivated to do.

Motivation works with decision. When we decide to be different, intentional, persistent, consistent, and driven, we are motivated to keep trying no matter the challenges, constraints, and trials we face in any journey we embark on.

Motivation is drawn from everywhere and anywhere. Our mentors and coaches, motivational videos, written or spoken words, family, friends, people around us, etc. It is highly recommended in the journey of life to surround ourselves with people of value that can encourage, advice, and keep us going and also immerse ourselves with positive and right contents.

We are what we repeatedly do, hear, and see. Never forget that when you surround yourself with the right people, you are surrounded with motivation, which creates chances for a better life and draws you closer to achieving your goals.


The willingness to give it all you‘ve got. Determination is the act to keep going no matter what happens. The zeal to continue regardless of the difficulties, the ability to be brave and resilient. Determination is required for the accomplishment of goals.

A determined mind, is a mind ready for success. Even when we stumble and fall, determination helps us stand back on our feet to continue the journey. A determined mind is a mind that never gives up. We need to be determined!